
casual maple player

disc: mesniac

mission statement

to quit the game
or to get strong enough where I can make friends :D


mesnia : 272 bowman

likes to farm and collect seasonal things.
tries to avoid party bosses as much as possible but they are forced to do them anyway
favorite boss: hwill
least favorite boss: vhilla
favorite location: ludibrium
♪ theme song


zacki : 260 night lord

he hangs out. he kills stuff. he forgets to sell boss crystals.
favorite location: moonbridge because it's ugly
♪ theme song


smilewell : 230 marksman

the sweetest marksman... tries really hard and spends an absurd amount of time chipping away at bosses
favorite location: lancelin
♪ theme song


sooot : 260 shade

worked part-time in happyville for 5 years before they kicked him out for underperforming
chain smoker
favorite location: job instructor lodge in el nath
♪ theme song


wintersmile : 215 buccaneer

absolutely useless
doesn't do anything
a waste of resources
favorite location: henesys pet park
♪ theme song


runy : 270 bishop

chill grandpa
♪ theme song